Abraham Anthony & Alice Wodell Family
Abraham Anthony held some prominent positions in the government of the colony including Speaker of the House. He had a very large family of 13 children with wife Alice Wodell. Abraham's brother John married Alice's sister. The Wodells were classified as religious dissenters and the girl's father was jailed for a time in Massachusetts which claimed Rhode Island as part of their colony. He was known as a "Gortonite" who followed the teachings of Samuel Gorton, an outspoken Puritan critic. Eventually the elder Wodell associated with the Quakers. Both Abraham and Alice lived to ripe old ages given the times and conditions.
Abraham Anthony Family Group Sheet
Abraham Birth Record
Property Records
Abraham Death Record
Abraham & Alice Children :
John Susannah William Mary Susannah Mary Amey Isaac Abraham Thomas Alice James Jacob
Updated on 05 May 2020
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