Charles Beaujean & Mary Dubec Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Charles Beaujean family. They lived on the island of Guadeloupe in the French West Indies. Charles was the 4th son of Pierre. He was obviously tasked to represent the family shipping interests or goods in Boston where he met Mary Harris. It is surmised she was a widow whose maiden name was Dubec. This is due to the baptismal records in Guadeloupe where her maiden name is consistently listed as Mary Dubec. She and Charles were married in an Anglican ceremony in Boston in 1754. When they moved to Guadeloupe the marriage was not considered valid and they had to be remarried as Catholics. The priest went so far as to declare their first child (Pierre Charles) not legitimate.


Charles Beaujean Family Group Sheet

Baptismal Record for Charles - This is from St. Francois' parish in Guadeloupe. It was for Sept. 13, 1731 but stated he was born 8 days earlier.


Mary Birth Record


Marriage Record for Charles and Mary - This is a record from the Anglican King's Chapel in Boston.


Death Record for Charles - The fourth of April one thousand seven hundred eighty three … buried the body of Charles Beaujean, age fifty three, son of Pierre Beaujean and Catherine D’Espagne


Death Record for Mary


Children of Charles and Mary :   


Charles P    Pierre Francoise     Moses


Updated on 02 July 2019

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