Charles Peter Beaujean & Zeruah Cook Family
This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Charles Peter Beaujean family. Charles was the oldest of six children of Michael Moses Beaujean and wife Anthy Peck. Zeruah (known to her family as "Rue") was the daughter of Ichabod Cook and his first wife Hannah of Greene, NY. Rue's first name was often so often spelled differently it is difficult to know her given name. She was named in her father's will as "Rue Magene" living in Mayville. It is through Rue that her descendants can claim descent from Mayflower passengers Stephen and Giles Hopkins
Charles Peter Beaujean Family Group Sheet
Federal Census Records : 1850 1860 1870
Federal Agricultural Census Records : 1850 1860 1870
New York State Census Records : 1855 1865 1875
New York State Agric. Census Records : 1855 1865 1875
Charles Birth Record
Zeruah Birth Record
Marriage Record
1854 Chautauqua Map - Showing the Beaujean property
1867 Chautauqua Map - Plat Map
Zeruah Beaujean - She is mentioned in her father's (Ichabod Cook) will
Charles Beaujean property - Contemporary satellite view. Farm fronts on Beaujean Rd.
Charles Death Record
Grave Marker for Charles Peter Beaujean - This is in the Mayville Cemetery of Mayville, Chautauqua, New York
Zeruah Death Record
Grave Marker for Zeruah Cook Beaujean
Charles Peter Beaujean Probate File This is the estate of the son of Michael Moses and father of George Reed Beaujean. His son George is conspicuous by his absence from the will.
Newspaper - Clippings mentioning Charles and/or his family
Their Children : (Gaps in the birth dates of the children indicate there may have been additional children who did not survive to adulthood)
George Horace Henry Herman
Updated on 16 March 2021
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