Hieronymus Beckenbach & Apollonia Unknown Family


Hieronymus Beckenbach and his wife are the earlist of the Beckenbachs found in contemporary records. They lived in a section of Rheinland-Pfalz known as Alzey-Worms in the village of Framersheim according to records. The could have lived in Köngernheim which was nearby and had the children baptized in Framersheim..


Hieronymus Family Group Record


Hieronymus Birth Record


Apollonia Birth Record


Marriage Record


Town Records


1654 - This record shows Hieronymus listed in a house directory of Framersheim as a Judge.


1667 - This is a list of subjects in the town of Framersheim. It shows Hieronymus, his wife Apollonia and his two children Johannes & Rauff whose names are mis-spelled.


Hieronymus Death Record


Apollonia Death Record




Their Children :


Johannes     Rauff




Updated on 26 April 2020

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