Anton Buhler & Eleonora (Lena) Gross Family
(no pictures of Anton or Lena)
This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Anton Bühler family. The name was spelled Buhler and Buehler in America. He was born in Wolfach, Germany to Boniface Buhler and Marianna Faller. He was married a total of three times in the U.S.. It is unknown if he ever married the mother of his only child Fredericka but claimed Fredericka as his only child anyway. . Anton and (maybe) his daughter traveled to the US about 1870 and settled in Passaic County, New Jersey. Anton shows in the 1880 census with his second wife (also named Frederica) but not his daughter.
In looking for the birth record for Fredericka Buhler, no records have been found for the last name of Buhler. However on the date Fredericka has always given as her birth, an Eleonora Gross gave birth to a daughter, Fredericka, and it was listed as an illegitimate birth. Perhaps Anton was the father and they had not yet married (or never did). There is no certainty but it seems to be a strong possibility. On Fredericka Buhler's marriage certificate to Jerome Reider, she listed her parents as Anton Buhler and Lena Gross.
After his daughter, Fredericka, was married to Jerome Henry Reider in 1883, Anton moved to Los Angeles to farm. He had land in downtown LA (later known as the Buhler Tract) and then in the "Village of Downey". Once he and his third wife Merena divorced in 1906, he sold most of the land as part of the settlement. He moved to a new house on Raymond Ave. and lived there until his death in 1909.
Anton Buhler Family Record Sheet
Federal Census Records : 1880 1900
Eleonora Birth Record
Anton's Naturalization - This was difficulty to find because it was filed under an incorrect name. He filed his intent in 1872 and the final naturalization was in 1876.
1877 Map - This shows Anton's place which he purchased that year from C Kinkeldey in Passsaic Coubty.
1879 Paterson Directory - Anton is listed in a nearby town as a gardener !
Paterson Directory Buhler Listings
Fredericka Hahne Buhler Probate Record - This is the Probate of Anton's second wife
Marriage Record - His marriage to third wife Merena Torr. This eventually provided the clue to the German town in which Anton was born.
Land Records - Los Angeles and Downey
LA City Directory Buhler Listings Spreadsheets
City of L.A vs Anton Buhler Court Case - This is a filing of the City that was using eminent domain to take part of Anton Buhler's (and others) land to widen Sixth Street.
Anton Buhler in Great Voting Register of California
Anton Buhler in 1906 LA City Directory
Anton Buhler - Pierce Bros Funeral Home Index
Anton Grave Marker - He is buried in the Calvary Cemetery in Los Angeles.
Updated on 6 April 2021
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