Timothy Crittenden & Huldah Adams Family
This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Timothy Crittenden (AKA Cruttenden & Chittenden) family. Timothy was a Revolutionary War soldier whose ancestors came to America in the 1600s. He was born in Connecticut but spent many years in Vermont and then Genesee, NY. His final stop was Saline, Washtenaw, Michigan where he died in 1832 and is buried. His first wife, Huldah Adams, died in 1794. His second wife, Lucy Thompson lived until the 1850s and was the recipient of his Revolutionary War Pension.
Timothy Crittenden Family Group Sheet with Huldah Adams
Timothy Crittenden Family Group Sheet with Lucy Thompson
Federal Census Records : 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1790, 1800 & 1820 are from Poultney, Rutlnd County, Vermont.1820 & 1830 are from Covington, Genesee County, NY
Timothy Birth Record
Huldah Adams Birth Record - She was born in New Marlborough, MA
Marriage Record
Land Records
Timothy Crittenden American Revolution Pension Application
Petition by Heirs of Timothy Crittenden - Act by Michigan Legislature because Timothy's heirs had not filed Probate after his death.
Timothy and son Julius in History of Michigan
Purchase of Land in Washtenaw County, Michigan by Timothy Crittenden just prior to his death. The patent was issued after his death.
Timothy Death Record
Huldah Death Record
Timothy Cruttenden Grave Marker
Huldah Adams Cruttenden Grave Marker - Huldah is buried in Poultney, Vermont
Their Children :
Hannah Jarius Rhoda
Updated on 17 May 2021
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