Faller Family Genealogy
The Jerg Faller family & descendants lived in the Black Forest area of Schapbach, Germany. Jorg Faller and descendants live in Schonach which was about 15-20 miles away and also in the Black Forest.
Jerg Faller 1663-1723 Philippus Faller 1645 - 1730
Johannes Faller 1687-1751 Jorg Faller 1698 - 1772
Andreas Faller 1737-1798 Joseph Faller 1734 - 1816
Caspar Faller 1769-1844 Salome Faller - Salome married Simon Hör
Maria Anna Faller - Marianna married Boniface Bühler
Updated on 03 January 2022
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