Aaron Goodier & Sarah Haywood Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Aaron Goodier & Sarah (Sally) Haywood family.


Aaron Goodier Family Group Sheet

Federal Census Records :  1800   1810   1820   1830   1840


Aaron Goodier English Baptism Record


Aaron Goodier Baptism Transcription


Aaron Goodier Marriage Transcription


Aaron Goodier Marriage Transcription  - another spelling


House where Aaron was born


1827 Passenger List - This is a page from the passenger list of the ship Cassender. Aaron and son Thomas came back from visiting England


Aaron Goodier Naturalization : Aaron came to Ameica about 1795 along with his wife and infant son Thomas. he and Thomas were both naturalized in 1830.


Aaron Goodier Oath of Allegiance : All would-be citizens were required to take an Oath of Allegiance.


1836 Passenger List - This is a page from the passenger list of the ship Augusta. Aaron and son Henry came back from visiting England


Aaron Goodier Estate


Aaron Goodier Grave Marker


Sarah Haywood Goodier Grave Marker

Updated on 14 October 2020

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