Heath Family Newspaper Articles (1930s)


This page is for 1930s newspaper articles mentioning the familiy of Bert and Gladys Heath. There are a few mentions of them in Kansas newspapers but these are mainly articles from the Santa Ana Register. The family lived in Los Alamitos and Midway City as Bert worked in the nearby oil fields. The Register had sections mentioning local communities and what was happening there. The Heath family was mentioned frequently with the activities of Gladys and her clubs figuring prominently. I have no idea of the function or purpose of some of these clubs. It does give a flavor of life then. The letters in parentheses are the names of the newspapers in which the articles appeared. The legend is below.

EDT = El Dorado Times    SAR = Santa Ana Register


1930-04-04 Bert and Gladys Play Bridge with Harry  (SAR)  -  Harry Heath is Bert's younger brother.


1930-04-25 Willing Workers at Heath Home  (SAR)


1930-05-02 Harry's wife visits Gladys  (SAR)


1930-05-16 Bert and Harry's families to Lake Arrowhead  (SAR)


1930-06-20 Heath Family weekends in San Diego  (SAR) -   Gladys had an older brother who lived in San Diego.


1930-07-01 Heath Family Visists Northern Calif   (SAR)


1930-07-05 Heath Family Returns  (SAR)


1930-07-18 Heath Anniversary  (SAR)


1930-08-08 Church Aid Society at Heath Home  (SAR)


1930-09-12 Heath Family at Steak Fry  (SAR)


1930-12-16 Bob Heath at Birthday Party  (SAR)


1930-12-19 Harry Heath a guest at Heath Home  (SAR)


1931-08-05 Heath Family Back from Midwest   (SAR)


1932-08-08 Gladys Chairman of Welfare Board  (SAR)


1932-12-23 Patricia Christmas Recitation  (SAR)


1933-01-27 Gladys 28th Bday  (SAR)


1933-02-17 Pat and Bobbie at Bday  (SAR)


1933-06-28 Gladys ill but improved   (SAR)


1933-07-26 Pat's 9th Birthday Prty  (SAR)


1933-08-18 Gladys and Kids at Sunday School Picnic  (SAR)


1933-08-26 Heath Family Visits Harry   (SAR)


1933-09-20 Gladys PTA VP  (SAR)


1933-09-23 PTA meeting with Gladys   (SAR)


1933-10-24 Gladys out of hospital   (SAR)


1933-11-25 Gladys Counselor for church group  (SAR)


1933-12-08 Heath Family visits Lake Arrowhead   (SAR)


1933-12-15 Gladys gives talk at the PTA  (SAR)


1933-12-23 Patricia Gives reading at Christmas Church Program  (SAR)


1934-01-18 Bert and Firemen at Card Parties   (SAR)


1934-02-02 Gladys in Washington for Dads death  (SAR)  - Gladys' father William A Shepherd died while visiting Gladys' sister Bertha Shepherd Cowger. He was buried there in Tacoma, Washington.


1934-02-17 Bert and Kids entertained  (SAR)


1934-02-18 Gladys Back from Washington   (SAR)


1934-02-23 Gladys at Jolly Sixteen Bridge Club  (SAR)


1934-03-20 Bert and Volunteer Fire Dept   (SAR)


1934-08-21 Heath Family in the mountains   (SAR)


1934-08-22 Bert back to work in the oil fields  (SAR)


1935-01-04 Heath Family at Rose Parade  (SAR)


1935-04-18 Heath Kids in Easter Pageant   (SAR)


1935-05-16 Heath Family at Ramona Pageant   (SAR)


1935-06-05 Pat receives award   (SAR)


1935-07-12 Heath Family at Church Picnic   (SAR)


1935-07-18 Harry Visiting Bert   SAR)


1935-07-27 Pat's 11th Bday Party   (SAR)


1935-07-31 Pat in new church group   (SAR)


1935-08-03 Heath Relatives visit and have dinner   (SAR)


1935-08-13 Trip to Tacoma   (SAR)  -  They are likely visiting Bertha Cowger who id Gladys' sister. In addition, Gladys Father is buried there.


1935-10-09 Pat gives welcome address   (SAR)


1935-10-10 Gladys gives womens club lunch  (SAR)


1935-10-26 Bert and Vol Firemen fundraiser  (SAR)


1935-10-28 Heath Kids at Church Party   (SAR)


1935-11-11 Gladys at Needle Crafters  (SAR)


1935-12-17 Gladys Sunday School Teacher  (SAR)


1936-01-25 Gladys Bday   (SAR)


1936-01-30 Gladys has the flu  (SAR)


1936-07-01 Bert in Ch of Commerce  (SAR)


1936-07-27 Pat's 12th Bday Party   (SAR)


1936-08-14 Heath Family on vacation   (SAR)


1936-09-05 Heath Family in San Diego  (SAR)


1936-10-13 Gladys 5th grade room mother   (SAR)


1936-10-14 Gladys in Women's Missionary Society  (SAR)


1936-10-28 Gladys in charge   (SAR)


1936-11-17 Gladys and Neighborhood Bridge Club  (SAR)


1936-12-18 Gladys hosts party   (SAR)


1937-04-02 Gladys gives party for firemen  (SAR)


1937-06-24 Pat at Camp Osceola  (SAR)


1937-08-31 Gladys hosts Bridge Club  (SAR)


1937-09-10 Nephew visits Bert   (SAR)


1937-09-28 Patricia president of 4H   (SAR)


1938-01-22 Gladys wins prize  (SAR)


1938-03-01 Pat in Music Recital   (SAR)


1938-08-03 Hoover gives gift  (SAR)


1938-10-19 Gladys and Sunday School  (SAR)


1939-03-09 Gladys elcted PTA Pres  (SAR)


1939-03-15 Pic of Gladys PTA Pres   (SAR)


1939-07-11 Heath Family to Yosemite   (SAR)


1939-09-06 Heaths entertain relatives  (SAR)


1939-09-09 PTA Mtg with Gladys   (SAR)


1939-11-22 Heaths to Avenal  (SAR)  - Bert's brother Harry had moved to Avenal in Northern California. Later in life Bert would move there as well.


1939-12-20 Leo Shepherd Family Visiting   (SAR)


1939-12-28 Chet Smith at Heath Home  (SAR)  -  Bert's half-brother Chet and his family came to visit. Bert and Chet had the same mother but different fathers.


Updated on 29 November 2019

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