Heath Family Newspaper Articles  (1940s)


This page is for 1940s newspaper articles mentioning the familiy of Bert and Gladys Heath. There are a few mentions of them in Kansas newspapers but these are mainly articles from the Santa Ana Register. The family lived in Los Alamitos and Midway City as Bert worked in the nearby oil fields. The Register had sections mentioning local communities and what was happening there. The Heath family was mentioned frequently with the activities of Gladys and her clubs figuring prominently. I have no idea of the function or purpose of some of these clubs. It does give a flavor of life then. The letters in parentheses are the names of the newspapers in which the articles appeared. The legend is below.

EDT = El Dorado Times    SAR = Santa Ana Register


1940-04-06 Bert learns of Mother's death  (SAR)  - Bert's mother Rachel Adsit Heath Smith died in El Dorado, Kansas.

1940-05-10 Heaths visiting San Diego   (SAR)


1940-06-13 Bert at Huntington Beach High School PTA mtg   (SAR)


1940-08-21 Party for Bob Heath   (SAR)


1941-01-07 Relatives Visit  (SAR)


1941-05-12 Gladys Treas of Womens Club  (SAR)


1941-07-26 Pats 17th bday


1941-08-28 Gladys Niece   (SAR)


1941-09-18 Gladys Brother in law dies   (SAR)


1941-10-01 Relatives visit   (SAR)


1942-01-06 Harry Heath Family arrives   (SAR)


1942-09-25 Bob Heath at Skating Party  (SAR)


1942-09-30 Pat Heath at LBCC   (SAR)  -  Patricia Heath was the first in her family to attend college.


1942-10-13 Pat at Bridal Party  (SAR)


1942-10-27 Bob Heath Sports Editor   (SAR)


1942-11-03 Pat and Bob at a Wedding   (SAR)


Updated on 16 February 2017

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