Christoph Reiter & Margaretha Moosman Family
This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Christoph Reiter family. Christoph and Margaretha lived in the Tennenbronn area of the southwestern Black Forest and belonged to the Cartholic Church in Lauterbach. As did families before and after them, they had a large family in hopes some would survive to adulthood. They had a farm in the nearby hills and mountains. The connection to Christian is on the basis of an entry in the Schramberg Serf Book
" ...Christoph Reuther son of Christa Reuther."
Christoph Reiter Family Group Sheet
Christoph's Birth Record
Margaretha's Birth Record
Marriage Record
Children of Christoph and Margaretha:
Christian Johannes (Hans) Elisabeth Georg Simon Jakob Mathias
Updated on 25 August 2019
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