Jerome Henry Reider & Fredericka Bühler Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Jerome Henry Reider family. There are few pictures of Jerome and only 2 presumed pictures of Fredericka. Jerome was the first of the Reiders of this line born in America. He was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1857 which was 2 years after his parents had left Germany for America.


The family returned to Germany during the American Civil War so Jerome's sister Josephine was bornin Schramberg. They returned to America in 1866 and settled in Paterson, NJ. Jerome became a barber who later met and married a German immigrant named Fredericka Bühler. They had a total of 9 children.


Fredericka's father, Anton, moved from New Jersey to Los Angeles, Californio after she was married in 1883. When he died in 1909, his estate went to Fredericka so the family moved to Los Angeles and lived in his new house on Raymond Street. Unfortunately Fredericka died of kidney disease soon after. The family also suffered several deaths due to consumption (Tuberculosis). It was contagious and poorly understood at the time. Jerome, his father, mother, sister and three of his daughters all died of TB.


Jerome Henry Reider Family Group Sheet


Federal Census :  1900    1910    1920  (Jerome Henry died in 1918 so only his children are listed in 1920)


New Jersey State Census :   1885   1895   1905


Fredericka's Birth Record  -  Fredericka was born as an illegitimate child. Her parents may have never married as no record has yet been found. Both parents are listed on the marriage record of Fredericka.


Jerome's Birth Record - This is a copy of the Family Record from the local parish in Schramberg. It shows 1856 although other records later say 1857. It shows the German name for Jerome.


Jerome Henry Reider and Fredericka Buhler Marriage Return


Jerome and Fredericka Catholic Marriage Certificate


Picture of St Boniface Church - This is where Jerome and Fredericka were married.


Jerome Buys Straight St - Jerome bought this property from his sister and brother-in-law in 1887.


Sanborn Insurance Maps of Straight St. Property: The 1915 map is for after the Reider's left for California.


1887     1899     1915


Index of Deeds - Reider deeds for Passaic County, NJ


JH Cemetery Lot Purchase 1901 - This is for a plot for his mother Josephine Klausner Reider who died in 1901 in Paterson. This is for Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in nearby Totowa, NJ.


JH Cemetery Lot Purchase 1903 - This is for his oldest daughter Josephine who died in 1903 at the age of 19. This is also for Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in nearby Totowa, NJ.


1916 Voter Registration - Jerome is listed as a Socialist !


Fredericka Buhler Reider Death Cerificate


JH Cemetery Lot Purchase 1910 - This is for a large plot at Calvary Cemetery in LA. It was initially purchased following the death of Fredericka


Fredericka Buhler Reider Grave Marker


Fredericka "Fannie" Buhler Reider Probate


Jerome Henry Reider Death Certificate


Jerome Henry Reider Probate


Minor Reider Children Probate Accounting : After Fredericka's death, her estate passed to her children with Jerome as executor. He was required by the court to provide a periodic accounting.




Newspapers - Articles involving the Jerome Henry Reider family. (Updated 20 August 2018)


Their Children :


Josephine      Freida     Mary V     Jerome      John      William A.    Marguerite      Carrie      Joseph  


For more information about these children, please click on this link.


Updated on 22 November 2021

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