Oliver Harris Diary
Oliver Harris was a friend of the Sheppard family and married Reuben's sister Amy. Oliver kept a diary for many years and mentions his friend (and brother-in-law) Reuben on several occasions. Spelling is exactly as found in the diary.
… *June 20. On mon I went to Levi Halls & helpd set bricks till
11 oclock then came home & went to Joel Sheppards in the after
noon & was maried to his Daughter Amy Sheppard about 5 oclock PM.
after we was maried we came to Mr D PLatts to meeting & made our
appearance. Samuel B. H. & Lydia Sheppard was the wators. Mr Sm
preachd from st Luke X & 42. after meeting
…Mar 26. On Wed I started in the morn with David Bateman &
Reuben Sheppard to stoneck & got a boat & went to back neck after
… * April 28. On Thurs I went & took two of my cattle to the marsh
& fetchd home a turn of reeds & put on the colts hovel as I was
going to the marsh the horses ran away with my son in the waggon
& turnd it bottom up hard & hurt him conciderable but the Lord
preservd his life. Brother Reuben Sheppard got home from the new
… April 13. On Fri I went to David Dares & paid some seat money
then went to aunt Zerviah Reeves s & bought waggon sides then
came home. Reuben came here & made up his mind to go to the New
Cuntry with us.
…Nov 17 I settled with Reuben Shepherd for work & owe him $24 -
58 cents.
Nov 24. On Sat I broke a little flax then went to the school
house whare the trustees met where Reuben teaches.
…Dec 24. On Mon I went to Collins s saw mill got a lode of
boards & comeing home I broke the wagon tongue and left part of
the lode. this morning Reuben was bared out of the school house
by his scholars and quit his school.
…Nov 15. On Fri I started & went 4 miles to Chillicothe & met my
friends from Jersey. Brother Ozwell , Reuben and their familys &
put in a horse & came 17 miles & put up at Platters. clear. wind
July 16. On Thurs I carted & stackd my wheet. Mr. Emery helpd me.
this morning Betcy (Reuben’s wife) Sheppard's infant was taken
from her lifeless. clear. wind W.
1818… May 31. On Sun I was at home. Father in law Joel Sheppard
arrived here from Jersey. it raind some. wind SW.
… Nov 1 On Tues I made Joel Sheppard a pair of shoes & went to
brother Faris & took home a peace of flannel. it raind part of
the day. wind SW.
…Jan16. On Thurs I finisd a pair of shoes for Joel Sheppard.
Hosea halld 2 lodes
…Feb 17. On Thurs I tramped out wheet. we got a letter from
brother Ozwell. It gave an account of the deth of our respected
father (Joel) Sheppard who died the 19th of last month in the 72
year of his age. (Note: this is the only place we have found a
mention of the date of Joel’s death).
…Feb 3. on Th I halld a lode of hay for Danl Lesler from J
Gossetts & went to bro Sheppards & stade all night. his child
died to day. cloudy & cold.…Feb 4. on Fr I came home then went to the meetinghouse & helpd
dig a grave for br Sheppards child then went to the house & back
to the burying then came home & dind & went back to br Sheppards
to evening meeting. Mr Laymon preachd from 1st thes IV & 13.
clear & cold.
…May 9. on Tu I helpd Saml plant in AM & the boys sheard sheep in
PM. clear. high wind. wife & I went to br Sheppards. Sister S is
very sick. staid all night.
…May 12. on Fr I halld a lode of wood & * went to Sister
Sheppards burying. clear & warm.
…April 21. on Th I am still afflicted. Br Sheppard started for
home in PM. he is very febele. clear & warm.
Updated on 16 February 2017
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