Reuben Sheppard Land Records
These are records for land purchases and sales in Highland County, Ohio. Like many farmers, most of Reuben's wealth was tied up in land. As he was able to afford it, he purchased more. You can see his early purchases as he built a life in Highland County. After his wife died in 1837, Reuben began a decline and sold off his remaining land shortly before his death in 1842.
1813 01 02 Reuben gives his power of attorney to brother-in-law Olver Harris.
1818 01 02 Reuben's purchase of 111 acres in Highland County.
1820 Reuben purchases 50 acres of land.
1823 Reuben Purchases land for a cemetery.
1828 Reuben purchases a lot in town.
1830 01 02 Reuben sells 50 acres.
1838 01 02 Reuben sells the lot.
Updated on 16 February 2017
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