Theo Shepherd Family Newspaper Articles
This page is devoted to all of the newspaper articles which mention Theodore Shepherd or his wife Eliza J. Shepherd. Also included is a link to articles regarding son C.A. (Charley) Shepherd who came to Kansas with his parents.
The News Herald and Highland Weekly News were newspapers located in Hillsboro, Ohio. The Wabaunsee County News, Alma Enterprise, Alma Signal, Eskridge Star and Harveyville Monitor were all located in Wabaunsee County, Kansas. The Burlingame Enterprise and the Osage County Chronicle were located in Burlingame, Osage County, Kansas. It is very close to Wabaunsee County so both papers reported on Wabaunsee activities.
New articles are on top.
This group posted on 2019-03-18
1889-07-05 - Theo loses a cow
1889-12-06 - Surprise party at Theo's house
1890-04-24 - Theo Shepherd Sunday School
1890-04-25 - Sunday School
1890-05-29 - Theo the carpenter
1891-02-26 - Theo sells property
1891-02-27 - Theo Shepherd land sale
1891-07-23 - Theo's mother, Frances Rogers Shepehrd, comes to live with him in Kansas
1892-01-07 - Deaths in Ohio
1892-06-17 - Theo Shepherd consults
1892-07-29 - Death of Leo Shepherd Pt 1
1892-07-29 - Death of Leo Shepherd Pt 2
1892-10-01 - Theo in Alma
1892-10-20 - Theo buys property
1892-10-21 - Theo buys property
1893-10-06 - Theo's mom has a fall
1895-01-31 - Theo stocks his store
1895-02-01 - Theo and Charley have a store
1895-12-20 - Theo's mom is recovering
1896-01-02 - Theo and Christmas
1896-01-03 - Theo spends Christmas with others
1896-01-16 - Theo and Charley purchas Will's store
1896-02-20 - Dry goods store
1896-06-05 - Lida visits with Will
1896-06-18 - Theo in Burlingame
1896-07-16 - Theo has a visitor
1896-09-10 - Theo is local reporter
1896-12-03 - Theo's house being "weather-boarded" by Charley
1897-05-14 - Theo and wife visiting
1897-06-10 - Theo visits
1897-07-01 - Theo's mom is sick
1897-10-08 - Carnival
1897-11-18 - Lida visits Mary Robinson who is mother of her daughter-in-law
1898-03-21 - Theo sick
1898-06-03 - Theo is in Alma
1898-09-01 - Theo sends a watermelon
1899-02-09 - Theo's mom is sick again
1899-03-30 - Shepherd and son buys flour
1899-05-01 - Lida sick
1899-05-04 - Theo has a load of eggs
1899-07-27 - Theo and Will going on a trip
1899-08-03 - Trip cancelled
1899-09-13 - Francis Ann Rogers Shepherd Obit
1899-09-14 - Longer obit
1900-01-04 - Theo & Lida's 40th anniversary
1900-01-18 - Theo visits Will
1900-05-10 - Shepherd and son wagon
1900-08-09 - Theo adds a porch
1900-10-04 - Theo sick
1901-08-08 - Theo leaves on a trip
1901-08-30 - Tax assessment for Shepherd and son
1901-09-01 - Theo to Ohio
1901-09-09 - Theo leaves on a trip
1901-10-10 - Theo back to Kansas
1902-03-20 - Shepherd and son building a storeroom
1902-04-04 - Theo building
1902-04-09 - Theo's subscription to Harveyville Monitor
1902-05-01 - Store buys flour
1902-10-17 - Theo runs for office
1902-12-19 - Damage to store
1903-05-21 - Theo and Will in court
1903-06-18 - Theo and Cemetery Association
1903-07-02 - Theo sick
1903-09-25 - Store to have an addition
1904-01-08 - Christmas at the Shepherds
1904-02-05 - Eggs shipped
1904-02-12 - Finally over the flu
1904-04-01 - Store buying eggs
1904-08-19 - Lida sick
1904-09-04 - Lida improving
1904-10-13 - Theo visits
1904-10-21 - Theo returns
1904-11-04 - Theo visits the newspaper office
1905-02-02 - Theo and harness repair
1905-03-02 - Shepherd and son selling out
1905-03-16 - Relatives visit
1905-04-27 - Theo visits newspaper office
1906-05-17 - Theo in Burlingame with Charley
1907-07-11 - Theo in Burlingame
1907-11-21 - Shepherd visitors
1909-01-01 - Will visits Theo and Lida
1909-12-30 - Theo and Lida 50th anniversary
1911-02-14 - Eliza J Shepherd (Lida) is sick
1911-02-28 - Lida's death
1912-10-17 - Theo to Missouri to visit Will
1913-10-16 - Theo sells property
1914-09-10 - Theo has been sick
1914-09-10 - Theo and grandson to Missouri
1914-09-10 - Theo to Missouri
1915-02-11 - Theo sells property
1915-12-30 - Theo Shepherd Death and Obits
Articles below posted 2015-11-25
1880-07-05 Highland Weekly News - Theo is a delegate in Hillsboro, Ohio
1883-01-10 Highland Weekly News - Frankie (Frances) A. Shepherd is married
1886-07-07 The News Herald - Lida Visits friends
1888-03-29 The News Herald - Frankie Shepherd Spickard visits friends
1888-10-04 Wabaunsee County News - Theo is sick
1889-02-07 Wabaunsee County News - Theo and Lida may be moving
1889-02-08 Alma Enterprise - Theo and Lida are moving
1889-02-14 Wabaunsee County News - Theo rents a farm
1889-02-15 Alma Enterprise - Theo rents a farm
1889-03-28 Wabaunsee County News - Theo Shepherd put a new roof on his house
1889-03-29 Alma Enterprise - Theo has a new roof
1889-05-10 Alam Enterprise - Theo is the new Sunday School Superintendent
1889-10-18 Alma Enterprise - Theo is sick
Updated on 16 February 2017
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