William A Shepherd MD Mentioned in Harris Diaries
This page is devoted to the mentions of William Shepherd in the diaries of Oliver Harris and his son Robert. The spelling, grammar and punctuation is as he wrote it.
From the Diary of Oliver Harris:
… July 29. on Mo I put up 2 large stacks of hay. Alfred Sheppard
helpd. clear & warm.
…Dec 4. on Su I was at & wife was at home. part clear. WA Sheppard and wife was
here a part of the day.
From Diary of Robert Harris:
(Jan) 21. on Th. I helped about washing. Dr. Shepperd lanced my neck, very painful.[c]old.
29. on Fr. I cut and hald Dr. Shepperd 1 load of wood. Rain & snow
Feb. 1 on Mo.I hald 2 loads of hay to Dr. Shepperd. Clear
Mar 18. on Th. I went to town for Dr. Shepperd, he come & relieve Martha for the presant, then went
to town for medicine. Warm, muddy.
Mar 19. on Fr. I sowd some clover seed. went after Dr. Shepperd, wife quite sick, took care of her.
John Cloud moved into my house.
22. on Mo. I went for Dr. S. at 3 o'clock, he came put a large
blister on her which seems to relieve her for the present. O that
God would grant that she may yet recover and be a blessing to her
family. Sleet.
26. on Fr. morning she is yet alive. O that God may yet grant she
may recover or give me grace to bear up under the trial. Dr.
Kirby and Dr. Shepperd came and said therer is no hope of her
recovering. About dark she seems to be struck with death,
suffered a great deal till fifteen minutes after eleven she
expired. There my comfort in the world is gone with her. Sheloved me dearly to the last, here last words were “Shed not a tear
over my early bier.” Then press my hands and face to her lips and
Oct10. on Tu. I made barrel cider for Dr. Shepperd.
Updated on 16 February 2017
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