Jonas Underwood Family Newspaper Articles
This page is devoted to all of the newspaper articles collected for the Jonas Underwood family. Some of these may be faint or difficult to read. This is due to the poor quality of some of these originals. These articles may be duplicated elsewhere.
1832-04-22 Jonas arrives at a hotel NYC
1832-04-27 Another notice of Jonas' arrival
1834-04-08 Jonas at a county meeting in Auburn, NY
1836-09-14 Jonas at Whig convention
1837-05-14 Jonas signs bank petition in Auburn
1838-02-04 Jonas and brother in Chancery Court in Auburn
1839-07-03 Jonas in 4th of July celebration committee meeting
1839-09-12 Jonas and Whig meeting
1839-10-23 Jonas Underwood
1841-04-02 Jonas in court case involving his cousin
1842-07-07 Jonas joins the (Henry) Clay Club in Auburn
1844-04-27 Jonas' home damaged in fire
1856-05-14 Jonas at County Fair
1856-10-11 Jonas at Convention
1857-06-01 Town Tax for Bridge
1857-12-08 Claims
1899-04-06 Jonas' son Lewis Underwood Dies
Updated on 08 June 2021
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