Michael Moses Beaujean & Antha Peck Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Moses Beaujean family. Michael Moses Beaujean was the oldest child of Charles Beaujean and Anna Kimberly. It is unlkely he knew his father who abandoned the family in 1784 and started a new family with a new wife. Perhaps because of this, Moses was attentive to his mother. When he left Roxbury Connecticut for New York he made arrangements with the town officials for the care of his mother. Eventually he moved her to New York where he settled.



Michael Moses Beaujean Family Group Sheet


Federal Census Records : 1810   1820   1830   1840   1850   1860   1870


Federal Agricultural Census Records :  1850   1860   1870


New York State Census Records :  1855   1865  1875


New York State Agricultural Census Records  :   1855     1865     1875   (his land was farmed in 1865 & 1875 by George R Beaujean his grandson)


Michael Moses Birth Record


Antha Birth Record


Marriage Record


Land Deed Agreement from Michael M Beaujean 1820


This was an agreement with the selectmen of Roxbury, CT for care of his mother. This became a moot point when she eventually moved to New York to be with her son.


MM Beaujean Land Purchase 1841


MM Beaujean Cider Mill


Moses Beaujean Farm Lease 1852


1854 Property Map - This is a patent map of Chautauqua County, NY. Michael & Charles are highlighted.


MM Beaujean Mortgage 1859


Michael M Baujean and George R Beaujean Life Estate Agreement


This agreement passed the estate of Michael Moses Beaujean to his grandson George while Michael was still alive. It provided for care of Michael and wife Anthy. This document bypassed Michael's children in favor of his grandson. George's father Charles was apparently very unhappy with this arrangement. He left his son George out of his own will when he died in 1878.


Michael Moses Beaujean Still Alive - This is an article from his former home of Windham which states he is still alive. Unfortunately by the time the article appeared he had passed away.


Death of Michael Moses Beaujean - This is an 1877 newspaper article announcing his death. I love the phrasing "good old age of 96..." .


Michael Moses Beaujean Will


Michael Moses Beaujean Probate File


Michael Grave Marker


Antha Grave Marker


Their Children :


Charles P     . Eusebius     David     Infant     Olive     Sarah Ann



Updated on 16 March 2021

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