William Alfred Shepherd & Claudia Daisy Robinson Family



                      William Shepherd in 1915 at the age of 55                    Claudia Daisy Robinson Shepherd in 1894 at the age of 21


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the William A Shepherd family. In 1860 William was born in Highland County, Ohio to Theodore Shepherd and Eliza J Cox Shepherd. His father farmed 50 acres there. In 1884 William married Florence Emma Gorman and moved to Wabaunsee County, Kansas. There was inexpensive land there and many more economic opportunities. He and Emma had 4 children but she died shortly after the birth of their fourth child Arther (Yes it is spelled this way on his grave marker). Arther died a few days later.

William had three small children as well as a farm. He met young Claudia Daisy Robinson in church and they were married in 1895. They had 8 more children. For a time the family sought better oportunity in St. Clair, Missouri but moved back to Kansas about late 1916 or early 1917 settling in El Dorado, Kansas. Daisy died in 1917 of influenza and pneumonia just at the start of the big flu epidemic that killed millions. Some of her childen contracted the flu also but survived. William Shepherd was a merchant in El Dorado and still kept in touch with brother Charley in Harveyville. Towards the end of his life he began to travel to visit his children. It was on one such visit he died while visiting his daughter Bertha in Tacoma, Washington.


William A Shepherd Family Group Sheet : With first wife F. Emma Gorman


William A Shepherd Family Group Sheet : With second wife Claudia Daisy Robinson


Federal Census Records :   1880   1900   1910   1920   1930  The 1930 census he is living with his daughter Mabel and her family.


Kansas State Census Records : 1885   1895   1905   1915   1925


Kansas State Agricultural Census Records : 1885   1905


Marriage Certificate - Emma Florence Gorman was William's first wife. They were married in Highland, Ohio in 1884 and left for Kansas.


Marriage Certificate - William and Daisy were married in the Brandt Hotel in the town of Alma.


Will Shepherd Land Purchases - Like most of those in his time, he  bought and sold land as he had the funds or needed money. None yet from Missouri.


Map of Will Shepherd's land - This is an overlay so you can see the modern roads around his land. This is in Plumb Township of Wabaunsee County.


Emma's land - Emma Florence Gorman Shepherd (William's 1st wife) had 80 acres in Wabaunsee in her own name


Plat Map 1902 - Shows Will's 80 acres


Wabaunsee School - William is a Trustee


Claudia Daisy Death Certificate - She died of complications from the flu and pneumonia


Claudia Daisy Robinson Grave Marker   01   02   03


Claudia Daisy Funeral Card


Wm Shepherd Death Certificate - William died while visiting his daughter in Tacoma, WA.


William A Shepherd Death Notice   -   Harveyville Monitor 1934


William A. Shepherd Grave Marker - William died while visiting his daughter Bertha Shepherd Cowger in Tacoma, WA. He was buried there rather than being returned to Kansas.


11 Wabaunsee County Cemeteries - This document describes the various cemeteries in Wabaunsee County, Kansas including Wilmington Cemetery in which many Shepherds and Robinsons are buried.


Index of Wilmington Cemetery - This includes many of the Kansas Shepherds


William Shepherd News Articles - These are from local papers in Wabaunsee and Butler County mentioning William and/or his family.


Their Children : (1st four children are from his 1st wife Emma)


W. Walter     Bertha     Mabel     Arthur     Alfred Leo     Lulu     Claudia     Odessa     Nellie     Olive Gladys     Theodore Frank     Verna




Updated on 19 July 2020

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