Jonas Underwood & Hannah Browning Family
This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Jonas Underwood family. Jonas was born in Spencer, Worcester County, MA in 1797. Hannah was born in nearby Rutland. They were married in 1824 and lived initially in Spencer on his father's farm. After his father (Reuben Underwood) died, Jonas moved his family to New York. They lived first in Auburn and later Chautauqua. Unfortunately, we do not have any pictures of Jonas or Hannah. The silhouette above was made circa 1820 and was donated to the DAR in Washington D.C.
Jonas Underwood Family Group Sheet
Federal Census Records - Jonas is not listed separately until 1840. Hannah is listed in the 1870 & 1880 census after the death of Jonas.
Federal Agricultural Census Records : 1850 1860
New York State Census Records : 1855 1865 (Jonas died before the 1865 census)
NY State Agricultural Records : 1855 1865
Jonas Underwood Birth Record - This is a copy of the Spencer MA birth records showing Jonas with his twin Sibbel (Sybil)
Jonas Underwood Birth Record - A different copy
Marriage Intentions - They were published on May 1, 1824
Marriage Record - They were married on May 23, 1824
Land Sale from Reuben to Jonas
Jonas' Work at the Auburn State Prison
Maps of Jonas' Land - 1837 Auburn 1854 Chautaqua
Newspaper Articles - These are for Jonas Underwood and family
Jonas Underwood Grave Marker - He is buried in the Barnes Cemetery in Chautauqua, NY
Hannah Browning Underwood Grave Marker - She is also buried in the Barnes Cemetery
Barnes Cemetery - Lots of Underwoods buried here
Their Children :
Mary Elizabeth Cyrus Charles Browning James Reuben William Lewis W
Updated on 16 July 2021
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