George Farwell Underwood & Hattie Beaujean Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the George Farwell Underwood family.




George Farwell Underwood Family Group Sheet


Federal Census Records :   1900   1910   1920   1930   1940   George had passed away by the 1940 census so only Hattie is listed.


New York State Census Records :  1892   1905   1915


George Birth Record


Hattie Birth Record


HMS Pinafore Performance - Program from Hattie's 1880 performance


George and Hattie Marriage Certificate


GFU and Hattie Marriage Return


GF Underwood and Hattie Beaujean Wedding Announcement


Hattie Wedding Reception Place Card - 1888


George and Hattie Wedding Album


Letter to George and Hattie from Addie Underwood. George's stepmother was writing about the birth of Hattie & George's 1st child.


Letter to E. Victor from grandmother Eunice Martha Kelsey Beaujean.  The letter is on Beaujean House stationery and is signed "Ma Gene".


Buffalo City Directory : 1886  1887  1889  1900  1905  1907  1908  1910  1918  1920  1921


Hattie Bible Study Pamphlet


George Underwood Voter Registration - 1922 Los Angeles


LA City Directory - 1923


George and Hattie 50th Wedding Anniversary Newspaper Announcement


George Farwell Underwood Death Certificate


Hattie Althea Beaujean Underwood Death Certificate


George F. Underwood Grave Marker


Hattie Beaujean Underwood Grave Marker


GF Underwood and Hattie Beaujean Pictures


Newspaper Articles - Articles from New York newspapers mentioning the family


Hattie had a keen interest in genealogy and the Beaujean family in particular. Here are some of her handwritten records and notes :


Beaujean Genealogy   Beaujean Notes   Beaujean Vitals



George and Hattie had three sons :   Elbert Victor    Francis Omar   Harry Charles


Updated on 02 July 2019

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