Patrick Carroll & Anna Lynch Family



This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Patrick Carroll family. They both originated in Ireland but the home town and county of Anna is unknown. Patrick was born in County Cavan. Recently I made a serendipitous connection with a descendant of a brother of Patrick. Through her I was able to discover Patrick's parents and siblings. He and Ann Lynch were married in Taylor Township, Dubuque County, Iowa in October 1863. They appeared in Atchison, Kansas in the mid 1860s as a young married couple. They began having children and settled into life in Atchison. Patrick was employed as a shoe & boot maker in town. He did well enough that they were able to buy their own place in West Atchison consisting of several lots along Eleventh Street. Their fourth child, Peter, was born about 1876 or 1877 and within a year Annie and the children are in Denver but without Patrick. So far no information has been found as to Patrick and what may have happened.


Patrick Carroll Family Group Sheet

Newspapers - These mention Patrick or Annie as well as family


Federal Census :  1870   1880


Federal Agricultural Census : 1870


Colorado State Census - 1885 state census of the territory. This is a transcription.


Patrick Birth Record  -  This is the baptism record for Patrick from Kilsherdany Parish, County Cavan, Ireland


Annie Birth Record


Marriage Record This is the marriage record from Dubuque, Iowa


Atchison City Directory


Birds Eye View of Atchison - This is from 1869. The town was beginning to grow.


Article on the Irish in Atchison


Land Record - This the deed for the lots Patrick & Annie bought in the city of Atchison in 1869.


Plat Map - This shows the lots purchased by Patrick & Annie in Atchison. They built a house and lived there.


Mortgage Record - Patrick and Annie secured a mortgage to pay for their land. It was eventually paid off. It is unfortunately slightly fuzzy.


Denver City Directories


Patrick Death


Death of Anna C. Carroll - 1st Newspaper   2nd Newspaper  This is the daughter of Patrick & Annie who died in 1887 at the age of 16 in Denver


Annie Lynch Carroll Death - Annie died of heart disease in 1894 at the age of 50 in Denver


Annie Carroll Grave Marker - This is from Find-Grave and was kindly provided by another F.A.G. member


Annie Carroll Probate


Baptismal Certificates for the children of Patrick and Anna  :


Mary   Thomas   James   Anna   Peter




Updated on 05 July 2021

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