Newspaper Articles for Richard and Ruby Denaple Family


Richard was often mentioned in the local newspapers. Initially as a contractor taking out permits to build homes or other developments. Later he was noted for work with the Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis .

Dates of articles are written Yr-Mo-Dy (xxxx-xx-xx).    Newest articles posted are always grouped on top



Posted 03 February 2020



1911-04-15 - RWD returns from Cleveland


1927-03-21 - RWD new home under construction in WA


1927-06-03 - RWD purchases a 5 acre parcel in Dishman, WA


1928-07-26 - RWD and new home


1928-07-30 - RWD sell home in Spokane Valley, WA


1929-02-27 - Alberta's Birthday


1929-10-07 - RWD building home in Dishman, WA


1929-10-10 - Same home but this article says Opportunity, WA


1930-03-11 - RWD Building Permits in Washington


1930-04-06 - RWD and partners buy mine


1930-04-11 - RWD and partners with new mine


1930-04-11 - Richard sets up a partnership in mining and milling in Washington.


1930-07-13 - RWD and Lincoln Plant


1930-08-28 - RWD exchanges home in Opportunity, WA for one in LA


1930-12-29 - Richard erects a building on Foreman St in LA


1931-01-25 - RWD Building on Cartwright.


1932-01-24 - RWD Building on Sarah St.


1933-02-23 - Denaple Jewelry Stolen


1934-05-31 - Notice of Partnership Dissolution


1937-02-14 - RWD Building a court on Vineland


1937-03-04 - Building continues on Vineland


1938-09-29 - Alberta intentions to wed


1938-10-02 - Denaple Wedding Announcement


1938-10-02 - Denaple Wedding Announcement


1943-06-30 - RWD named to head Savings & Loan


1946-02-11 - RWD as Pres of Kiwanis


1947-04-25 - RWD backs expressways


1947-04-26 - RWD backs inproved roads


1947-06-07 - RWD's Bank Robbed


1948-08-18 - RWD injured in fall on train


1948-10-02 - Denaple-Underwood Marriage


1948-10-02 - Lois in wedding dress


1948-10-18 - Underwoods return from honeymoon


1949-09-13 - Dick Denaple and Motorcycle


1951-10-11 - RWD and Old Timers Picnic


1952-07-11 - Dick Denaple Racing


1954-03-16 - RWD Retires


1956-11-25 - RWD Pres of Chamber of Commerce


1956-12-23 - Another article on RWD as C of C President


1957-01-06 - RWD on Improvements


1958-01-19 - RWD as C of C officer


1960-02-08 - Death of Fred Leland, Uncle of Ruby Beckenbach Denaple


1960-02-12 - Obit for Fred Leland


1967-11-19 - RWD and Kiwanis Anniversary





Updated on 04 February 2020

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